Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Task 22 Facebook and MySpace

I've got a Facebook account. I forget all the time to logon and see what's happening.
A lot of musicians use MySpace to get their work out there - as good a use as any I can think of - but it's not my cup of tea either.
See my earlier remarks about Twitter.

There are so many social networking sites out there, that I think it's a question of finding what suits you best - or if it suits you at all. I suspect that the most important word to focus on is social - that's how most people want to use these sites - not to be informed or educated particularly, but to keep in touch and be entertained.

Task 21 Twitter

This is not for me.
I can speak face to face with people; I am ancient enough that I still write letters to friends and family from time to time; I pay more than I want to for a landline and I pay way more than I want to for my mobile phone so that I can keep in touch with those I want or need to. I happily use email and texting - and that's ENOUGH. There is a limit to the number of ways I need at my disposal to reach out to people - and there is also a limit to the amount of time I want to devote to staying in touch. Most of the time I really don't care what you are doing right now, and I would hope that you don't care what I'm doing either.
Tweet away - right away.

Task 20 Podcasts, Smodcasts!

The only site I could access from the 23 things page was Podcast Alley - which I found very busy and a pain to search, but there's certainly a lot there.
I have been downloading podcasts to my MP3 player for a while now. I like triple jjj's podcasts and also Radio National's.
I added both to my bloglines account - very easy to do.

I thoroughly enjoyed this task - and think that podcasting is one of the better things I've learned about. I havn't had time to create any for myself - but I think this could be a useful tool for Infoskills.